
"Everything comes from You, and we have given only what comes from Your hand.

1 Chronicles 29:14


I was the nine-year-old selling rope bracelets on the neighborhood golf course. I was the high school sophomore beading necklaces for friends. I was the co-ed hosting jewelry shows in my dorm room. Crafting interesting, accessible jewelry has followed me through my lifetime. 


I am thankful to serve a creative God. I am thankful to get to produce what pours out of my soul.  I am thankful for my supportive, loving husband and three amazing children. I am thankful for the gift of creativity and the opportunity to pass it on to my loyal customers.


I will always be open to new ideas, new styles and new methods. Hungering and hunting. Combining and creating. Jewelry should be a conversation starter, a mark of personality, something that speaks to you. I am inspired by nature. Inspired by cultures. Inspired by my God. 

I am so grateful for your vote of confidence in Leigh Breunig Designs.